God of War Ragnarok Review
God of War Ragnarok Review

God of War Ragnarok Review

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It’s simple to forget that a game with a character whose main skill is dismembering and killing monsters has a real heart. However, God of War: Ragnarok expands on the franchise’s compelling battle and adventure tale and uses its unique cinematic presentation, giving greater life to the spirit and core of the character drama introduced in God of War (2018). God of War Ragnarok is a superbly crafted work of art that never misses an opportunity to capture your attention. It makes a deep, enduring impact.

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God of War Ragnarok’s customizable graphical settings let players choose between indulging in the game’s stunning 4K visuals or balancing things out for better frame rates. These visual settings, however, are only available on the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 Pro. You will not be able to change the graphic options if you still have a PS4.

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The PS4 Pro only supports three possible graphics configurations, compared to the PS5’s six. These modes prioritize a consistent 60 FPS across the board for the current-gen consoles or emphasize performance at a native 4K resolution with slower framerates. The framerates on the PS4 Pro will be limited to about 30 FPS, allowing you to select between 1080p & 1650p resolutions.

In God of War Ragnarok, switching between graphic modes is easy. Start the game right away, then press your device’s “Options” button. Go to ‘Graphics and Camera’ and scroll to ‘Graphics Mode’ after the Settings panel has appeared. Now, select either Quality or Performance as your preferred graphics mode.


In God of War: Ragnarok, a significant element of the gameplay from God of War is replicated perfectly. Some aspects of the landscape remain the same as they were in the past, but due to the impending end of the world, Midgard is completely blanketed with snow. In addition to rendering some locations unfamiliar, the gamer can revisit well-known locations in fresh ways without feeling as though they are playing the same game.

The setting in the videogame is much more detailed, has several changes, and gives you the impression that you are inside this universe as the main character rather than as a player. We nearly get the impression that the wildlife aspects were imported directly from “our world” because they are astonishingly accurate representations of actual animal behavior.

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Since the two weapons are immediately available and there is little space for error or lengthy instructions when killing creatures, the gameplay encourages players to perfect the balance between the two weapons. The game has benefited from the small modifications and remodels of these tools, runes, and combos.

You can learn to master your style of play, whether it is the long approach, where you want to battle for a long time but have plenty of power, or the speedy approach, where you run the chance of dying fast if you’re not careful.


The video game God of War Ragnarok is incredibly innovative. It is a sequel to 2018’s God of War, carrying on Kratos and Atreus’ legendary Norse adventure while introducing significant gameplay advancements. One of the few complaints about the last game was the lack of variety in the enemies. Santa Monica Studios is explicitly targeting this concern in the new title.


With adversaries such as the God of Thunder Thor or the Vanir goddess Freya, God of War Ragnarok has promised multiple epic boss fights. The God of War Ragnarok opponent roster now includes monsters like Light Elves, Raiders, or the terrifying Dreki, so this means that encounters will also be a lot more varied.

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The youthful demigod can now move freely and brings his combat and mystical attacks to the fight, as per reports that Atreus’ move set has been enhanced. Kratos also employs new techniques, fumbling with the Blades of Chaos and flashing various shields.

In God of War Ragnarok, vertical movement is also a significant component of battle, with Kratos swinging through the surroundings and leaping to land lethal hits. On their quest across the 9 Realms, Kratos and Atreus encounter a wide variety of monsters, but improved mobility, as well as new combination strikes, will enable the duo to keep one step ahead of their attackers.


The PS4 version of the game is excellent, although it comes at a great cost: It is incredibly noisy. a PS4 running God of War Ragnarok can be likened to the sound of a jet engine as they are both quite loud, as demonstrated in a recent video by GameSpot. God of War: Ragnarok appears and performs beautifully on an older console, despite the overwhelming noise of a PlayStation 4 that sounds like it’s going to crash.

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Multiple outlets examined the game’s performance, which is astounding when you consider everything, at a consistent 1080p resolution at 30 frames per second. Even though playing the most recent God of War game on a PS5 is recommended, you do not need it in order to enjoy it.


God of War Ragnarok is the direct sequel to God of War, where Atreus and a semi-reformed Kratos attempt to fulfill their mother’s dying desire. They ultimately drew the interest of the Norse pantheon of gods along the way, and Kratos ended up slaying the god Baldur as a result.

Freya, the mother of Baldur, was intended to be saved from death by Kratos, but instead of doing so, he turned her against him and Atreus and brought forth Fimbulwinter, a long winter that serves as a prelude to Ragnarok, which is thought to spell the end of the 9 realms.

God of War Ragnarok does not come without faults nor constitutes a faithful reworking of the dramatic series as did its predecessor. However, it is a very ambitious, extremely polished sequel that deftly keeps and polishes the best aspects of its predecessor while enhancing that effective formula in significant ways.

A celebration mug of mead must be raised by fans in honor one of the greatest PS5 games as well as a sequel that is far more deserving.

God of War Ragnarok Review
God of War Ragnarok Review
God of War Ragnarok is the direct sequel to God of War, where Atreus and a semi-reformed Kratos attempt to fulfill their mother's dying desire.
incredibly innovative