Garena announced that DC Comic’s first hero in Arena of Valor (AOV), Batman, is available as a permanently free-to-play character...
Following the thrilling Season 7 finale of Game of Thrones, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and HBO Global Licensing have announced pre-registration for the upcoming mobile game Game of Thrones:...
gumi Inc. and Fuji&gumi Games today announced that the global version of Phantom of the Kill is holding a swimsuit-themed...
Partnering for their first joint interactive experience, Stephen Curry, NBA superstar of the Golden State Warriors and his wife, chef,...
In celebration of Pokémon GO’s one-year anniversary, Niantic, Inc. and The Pokémon Company International have revealed that Legendary Pokémon will...
Niantic, Inc., and The Pokémon Company International today revealed dynamic new ways for Trainers to play and explore together this...