If you are being asked to go out and explore the vast global router market to pick up one of the first 6 best wi-fi routers, TP-Link Deco X20 Mesh Router holds a very promising position in this respect and stands out from the rest.
It is so because no one can get a better router than this at such an affordable price. TP-Link Deco X20 Mesh Router provides you great functionality, superb speed, high end performance along with best design, easy set up and a sincere security. This Mesh Router is a fine mixture of capabilities, standardization, a good configuration and user friendliness and that too at a jaw dropping price.
The speed of Deco X20 Mesh Router is mind blowing reaching as high as up to 1800 Mbps. Certain features like OFDMA and 1024-QAM are added in order to increase the speed and achieve a better performance level. The main unit along with the remaining mesh nodes can work together to cover up your entire home with a smashing speed and a trustworthy WiFi coverage.
Even one can enhance up to 10 units of Deco in a single or mixed Deco models in the case of a very large house area. It can give you 250 Mbps up to 800Mbps in a double storey house measuring up to 2700 sq ft. and so the company introduces this product to the market as a blind spot killer.
Not only that, the roaming mechanism is also a very reliable attribute which just works seamlessly without leaving a room for any issues. If Ethernet backhaul is used, all the mesh nodes can run on at an extremely high rate speed uniformly. Another advantageous character is that it can even support 5Ghz WiFi network.

Design and Build
The system is cylindrical in shape and no external antennas are visible which make the product look very stylish. The product build is quite strong, big and heavy which gives a pride look to the gadget. It can be expanded by attaching a Gigabit Ethernet switch in case if you need more ports.
All three new Deco systems support key includes OFDMA, 1024 QAM and both incoming and outgoing MU-MIMO connections. The new WPA3 encryption standards are also installed which can support voice controls via Amazon’s Alexa too. Each of the routers is equipped with eight antennas and three different WiFi bands topping up with an incredible speed up to 4804 Mbps. The system also has an in built antivirus criterion which makes it run flawlessly.
- The router has WiFi Band 1 with 2.4GHZ wireless AX up to 574 Mbps (2×2 40 Mhz) and WiFi Band 2 with 5 Ghz Wireless AX up to 1201 Mbps (2×2 80 Mhz).
- The CPU is designed with Qualcomm 1 Ghz Quad-Core CPU.
- The ports are 2 with Gigabit Ethernet LAN /WAN Port.
- The item weighs 6.51 pounds and is available in a package having dimensions of 14.65×11.02×4.96 inches.

The software is not a conventional type but rather quite simple to operate. The simplicity app is really appreciated heartily by the worldwide customers. There is no complexity in the graphic field and this attribute does not create any confusion within the mind of the customers.
Another intrinsic feature is that it performs in pretty cool manner and is good enough for most people. You can even track out the amount of net consumption and it also has a parental control facility. So, in this case you can even catch up the speed hoggers.
On top of that, in no way you can ever get disconnected if you use this hassle free router of mesh makers. It gives you a crystal clear visual guidance and keeps you in control as well as Turn on /off the guest WiFi by using simple voice commands.

The Deco X20 Mesh Innovation
Apart from the Deco systems, TP-Link also has an impressive plan to install a host of other products supporting Wi-Fi 6. The system seems to be even advantageous from the online gamer’s point of view. The system is very simple as well as quite explicit in its own periphery making the Micro soft Team meetings flawless.
In addition to that, it is also possible to configure out manually which websites or apps you might prefer to block or select on this Deco app. Features like LAN IP Settings, DHCP Server Settings, ipv 4/ipv 6, port forwarding , IP reservations, VLAN Setup, DDNS are highly over whelming to the customers.
Since TP-Link Deco X20 Mesh is built upon the new Wifi 6 standards and can even support 9 gadgets at a time and that too at such an inexpensive price range makes this product highly recommended by the customers.
You don’t even require calling the spectrums and advice them if you are having this Mesh router at your dwelling place. And since lockdown prevailed due to pandemics, growing importance of work from home, gaming and streaming have made a router an integral part of our lives. The Mesh Router is such an excellent performer that it can turn your house into a home automation hub.
After checking out all the related specifications, I’m sure that you’ve already convinced about the usefulness of this router. It can be said that if you are looking for any router in the present day world market, just close your eyes and go for TP Link Deco X20 Mesh!
Indeed, it’s costly if compared to other routers available in the market; however, considering its magical attributes, it justifies its cost to the fullest. So, if you’re thinking of getting the best router home, feel free to rely on TP Link Deco X20 Mesh! It will help you in getting flawless browsing experience. Be it surfing Netflix or wrapping up your official works, there’s no better alternative than TP Link Deco X20 Mesh. It’s agile, and reliable.