Heroes of the Storm: Samuro Review 28

Heroes of the Storm: Samuro Review

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We have all enjoyed video games at some part of our lives or the other. We are unapologetic of the manner in which we have fallen for the heroic characters of the game, worshipped them and have loved to play the games relentlessly. A heroic figure always grabs out attention and makes sure that he manages to linger in our mind due to his prowess and skills. Similarly, Samuro is the newest addition, the latest warcraft hero who is about to join the Blizzard’s online battle arena. The developer of the famous game announced that Samuro the Blademaster, that this character is coming from Warcraft 3.

You just need to know a little bit more about Samuru. He is utterly relentless in nature. He launches an attack on each and every enemy that he comes across. He passively increases the surplus speed of movement. Also, he can be chained with Wind Walk, quality which makes him temporarily invisible. As a result, his whirlwind heroic acts will leave you totally gaping. Your movement speed will increase by 25% and then you will pass through other units. The damage that is taken during the first 1 second will not be able to break the Wind Walk. If you have the intention of catching someone off guard, then you can trigger Mirror image which will create two weaker images of himself that will soak as well as deal with the damage. The Critical Strike has the potential of striking even the strongest of the tanks down. Your Mirror Images and you actually deal a Critical Strike during every 4th basic attack. If you are able to make use of your abilities properly, then he qualifies as one of the most effective duelists.


Samuro is squishy in nature, but he can adapt really well. For an escape, Wind Walk is a very obvious choice since it possesses the bonus movement speed. Also, there is a very good chance to juke the abilities like Kael’thas’Flamestrilke. However, he has many different builds which help in enhancing the defensive capabilities of the Mirror image, for example, the optional spell block that you will come across in level four. The Mirror Image deals with 30% of your damage and has 50% of your present health. The images last only up to 18 seconds and only 2 images can be active at the same time. Also, there is Illusion Master, which is a heroic that will provide you with a lost Viking-esque control that you will have over his images. Also, you will be allowed to swap places with him. It is actually one of the more technical heroics that are added to the game after it has been launched. If you are quick enough in nature, then you can issue orders in order to block off any and every possible escape and then teleport to any of them for the purpose of finishing them off.

If we speak of the Heroic abilities, then Bladestorm turns into an unstoppable whirlwind which holds the power of dealing moderate damage to the nearby enemies every second ad for every 4 seconds. With the help of the Illusion Master, you will be able to switch places with the target mirror image. Also, you would be able to control Mirror Images separately, as a group. They perform the job of dealing an additional 15% of your damage.


Samuro is a great choice among the newcomers since his escape is easy and there is high damage output. However, you can be wary of counters. You will die very frequently if someone cal aim the skillshots in the correct manner and predict his Wind Walk path. The same thing is applicable for the highly eager players and then jump into a fight outnumbered, depending too much on Samuro’s escape. You will always enjoy seeing a new hero jump forward as well as watch exactly where they end up on the charts of winrate. However, the way in which the current things are going, Blizzard has been very successful in crafting heroes. Most of the people have deemed him the strongest hero and that is definitely true.

All in all, Samuro is one of the strongest heroes of Heroes of the Storm and has shown commendable popularity since its release.