Heroes of the Storm Cho'gall Code Giveaway 27

Heroes of the Storm Cho’gall Code Giveaway

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Blizzard has recently launched the newest hero or should we say “heroes” in their Heroes of the Storm lineup, as two personalities share the body of Cho’gall: Gall, cunning master of dark magics and forbidden incantations, and Cho, who’s never met a problem he couldn’t punch really, really hard. Cho’gall is a unique two-headed Hero for two players. Each head is controlled by a single player and has its own set of abilities. The Cho head controls Cho’gall’s movement; wherever Cho goes, Gall follows. When Cho and Gall stop arguing and work together, they can set up powerful combos. If you or your friend owns Cho’gall, you’ll both select a head then queue up to terrorize the Nexus together!

To celebrate the launch of the newest addition to the Heroes of the Storm roster, we have partnered up with Asiasoft to give away four Cho’gall unlock codes.

Heroes of the Storm Cho'Gall Giveaway