Today marks Dragon Nest SEA’s 3rd year anniversary. Kudos to Team CC for making this far, publishing a game which is one of the most successful MMORPGs out there, without a doubt.
I’ve been playing the game since CBT Phase (Close Beta Testing) back on July of 2011 (if I’m not mistaken) — talk about a die-hard fan? And found out that I’m not alone, discovered a certain player in Westwood who shared a screenshot of his character captioned as “08/16/11 – 08/16/14.” Which falls on the OBT Phase back in 2011.
And of course, what’s a celebration without In-game events and goo
dies? We have listed the current good-stuffs below, and we believe there is more to come.
- Tag and Share the Joy on Facebook!
- Boss Monster Bounty Hunting (Free gold!)
- 3rd Anniversary Super Sale
- Summer Swimsuit Sale
- Get 2 Free Mounts & More
- Weekly Community Events
Visit for more details! Happy gaming!