DNSEA 3rd Anniversary
Dragon Nest SEA is turning 3 and we’ve got a bunch of awesome events lined up for all of you!

Dragon Nest SEA hits 3!

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Today marks Dragon Nest SEA’s 3rd year anniversary. Kudos to Team CC for making this far, publishing a game which is one of the most successful MMORPGs out there, without a doubt.

I’ve been playing the game since CBT Phase (Close Beta Testing) back on July of 2011 (if I’m not mistaken) — talk about a die-hard fan?  And found out that I’m not alone, discovered a certain player in Westwood who shared a screenshot of his character captioned as “08/16/11 – 08/16/14.” Which falls on the OBT Phase back in 2011.

And of course, what’s a celebration without In-game events and goo


dies? We have listed the current good-stuffs below, and we believe there is more to come.

  1. Tag and Share the Joy on Facebook!
  2. Boss Monster Bounty Hunting (Free gold!)
  3. 3rd Anniversary Super Sale
  4. Summer Swimsuit Sale
  5. Get 2 Free Mounts & More
  6. Weekly Community Events

Visit http://dn.cherrycredits.com/3rd-anniversary for more details! Happy gaming!