OWC Mercury Elite Pro Mini Review

Mercury Elite Pro

OWC Mercury Elite AL-Pro Mini external hard drive is actually the most portable storage device which is compact and also capacious for your regular use. It looks great and stylish to give you the pleasure of file transfers, handling the large media libraries, backups or also some of the heavy duty tasks such as digital photography.

OWC stands for Other World Computing in OWC Mercury Elite which is the largest and leading technical company and has the greatest reputation to provide high quality PC and Mac products along with the reliable customer support.

Mercury Elite Pro Specifications

When the individuals are considering the technical specifications of the OWC Mercury Elite AL-Pro Mini external hard drive, they include 2.5 inches hard drive, 1 TB storage option, digital Scorpio blue drive with totally 8 MB of cache memory, running 934 DSB chipset of the Oxford semiconductor, enclosed in the beautiful and impact resistant, compact with the measurements of 3.8 x 5.5 x 1.1 inches, and 0.75 pounds weight.

Along with these extraordinary specifications in OWC Mercury Elite Pro, this drive also includes the four best interfaces including eSata port, USB 2.0 mini “B” port along with two FireWire 800 ports.

Except the eSata port interface, all other three interfaces are supporting the bus powering and also booting. When you are willing to use this drive through eSata interface, OWC Mercury Elite Company actually suggests you to buy the high quality AC adapter or you can also make use of the powered FireWire port for this purpose.

Other than this option, you can also get the best advice from the experts and get a specialized USB cable which will give you the power from the USB port of your computer and as well as routes it to the alternate current (AC) input on the back side of your drive in OWC Mercury Elite.

This external hard drive is basically preformatted for the Mac OS X and is coming with the excellent range of customized drive icons. But at the same time, it also works with any version of your Windows PC. In the package, it contains a drive along with the all necessary connecting cables and user manual for your future preferences. FireWire 800 to 400 cable is the most important one to connect in OWC Mercury Elite this drive for the greatest compatibility with the FireWire 400 systems.

There is a CD included in the box and it contains several apps such as ProSoft engineering data backup for the MAC OS X version 10.2.8 or later versions, Intech’s hard drive/disk speed tools utilities OEM for Mac operating system 8.6 or Mac OS X versions, carbon copy cloner application for the Mac operating system X 10.4 and later versions and NovaStor nova backup for Windows 2000 or later versions.  The OWC manufacturing company actually preloads its drive with over 2 GB of Mac OS freeware including the wide library of the Apple advertisements.

Variants in this drive enclosure

There are different variants of this enclosure such as USB3/FW, USB3 only, and also the USB3/eSata. If you are going to the eSata 6G + USB3 enclosure, it will offer you both the USB3 connectivity along with the eSata 6G. At the same time, it will provide you the fast 480 GB mercury electra 6G SSD. Along with it, there are also some other capacities of SSD also available such as 120 GB/240 GB/960 GB and also the hard drive versions in OWC Mercury Elite the same enclosure.

Connectivity to Mac Pro or Macbook Pro

When you are going to the USB3 interface, it is really the most suitable and perfect choice for any of your Mac versions with the USB3 ports. For any version of the Mac Pro, eSata 6G port is a perfect choice along with the eSata card which includes FirmTek SeriTek/2ME4E 4 ports eSata PCIe card or the NewerTech MAXPower eSata 6G PCIe card.

For the external power brick, it is better using the eSata card but it is optional based on your requirements.  For the travel purposes, the mini SSD is the best choice with the USB3 laptop that is bus powered with the too lowest power draw.

There are so many uses available for this drive including a time machine backup volume or the clone backup. It is the very fast external storage device up to 960 GB. Now days, the Macbook Pro devices are coming with three USB3 ports for connecting totally three drives directly for your benefits in OWC Mercury Elite.

At the same time, it can be used as an alternative boot drive for another Windows boot or Mac OS boot. OWC Mercury Elite AL-Pro Mini external hard drive is the most suitable drive for doing the file transfer or sharing files between more than one systems in the faster manner.

Design and Innovations

When the buyers are considering the design and innovative build of the OWC Mercury Elite external hard drive, it has the cool design with the clear acrylic case of mercury. This is why it always looks stylish and impressive for your use. As it has the best design of aluminum elite pro mini, this drive is always good looking with the rock solid case which is truly very strong even you stand on it.

At the back portion of this drive enclosure, it includes the various connectivity options ranging from USB 2.0, eSata, and two FireWire ports. Similarly, this OWC mercury hard drive has an optional power adapter jack along with the SSD on board and on/off switch.

Installation process of the stock SSD into this drive enclosure is really very easy and simple because it will take one or two minutes to complete. Then, the available SSD has to be inserted into the interposer card in order to get the best support.


In the performance wise, OWC Mercury Elite AL-Pro Mini external hard drive is really great as it used the 128 GB Toshiba powered Apple Macbook air SSD which has the maximum speed over the FireWire 800 interface. This enclosure has on-the-go USB 3.0 saw speeds of about 184MB per second read and also 154 MB per second write.

Buy OWC Mercury Elite Pro Mini

Mercury Elite Pro
OWC Mercury Elite Pro Mini Review
In the performance wise, OWC Mercury Elite AL-Pro Mini external hard drive is really great as it used the 128 GB Toshiba powered Apple Macbook air SSD which has the maximum speed over the FireWire 800 interface.
fast, reliable and comes at a reasonable price for a solid-state drive with 1-4TB capacity.
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