Yulgang 2 CBT Key Giveaway

Yulgang 2 CBT Key Giveaway

Yulgang 2 CBT Key Giveaway

GameHaunt and Cubizone have teamed up to give away Closed Beta Keys for their most anticipated MMORPG – Yulgang 2. They have provided us with a few keys, so we must do it in a raffle this time. We’ll also have our Yulgang 2 Streaming tonight and tomorrow (10/15/13), so recheck this page later for the stream, as CBT keys will also be given through our stream chat.

In the meantime, join our CBT Key raffle below! CBT Keys will be sent to the winners on December 16, 2013, through email, so make sure to use a valid email address.

You can also check out Exitializ Guild’s CBT Key giveaway.

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