World of Warships Blitz Celebrates a Year on the High Seas

A year ago, World of Warships Blitz set sail for its maiden voyage. Today, after over 11 million downloads and 73+ million battles (that’s 200,000+ a day), Wargaming Mobile is starting the festivities to see the title become 1 year old! From today until 25th January, players will be able to take part in daily activities and receive special birthday crates every 12 hours.

“Since release, the game has gotten so much better. Over the period of a year, we’ve introduced a Competitive League system and added 5 new nations and over 50 new warships to master, allowing players to pick from our strong fleet of 140+ vessels. It really has been an exciting journey for World of Warships Blitz,” states Nad Adjir, World of Warships Blitz Senior Product Manager.

Alongside the special birthday crates, players will be able to collect Birthday Tokens by battling and completing missions. These can be spent in the event shop, which will feature: Tirpitz, West Virginia, Anshan, Leningrad, Mogami and De Grasse.

During the birthday weekend (18th–21st January), players will find a welcome boost to XP and Silver earnings on their first victories meaning every victory is that more special! And finally, throughout this week of celebration, special offers and bundles will be available in the shop.

World of Warships Blitz is available on the App Store and Google Play.

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