Winter Soldier is Coming to Marvel Heroes 2015

Winter Soldier is Coming to Marvel Heroes 2015 2

Winter isn’t over yet! Gazillion is pleased to announce the next playable hero, Winter Soldier, will be coming to Marvel Heroes 2015 later this month. Starting today, players will be able to pre-order Winter Soldier and receive a 10% discount off of the regular price. Previously known as Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier was trained by Captain America and proved to be a master in hand-to-hand combat, fluent with nearly all types of weapons as well as an expert marksman. Players who pre-order him can look forward to his iconic powers as seen in the most recentMarvel movie including superhuman strength and agility, along with his trademark cybernetic left arm.

Best known as the English voice for Solid Snake in the Metal Gear video game series, David Hayter brings Winter Soldier to life and players can expect witty banter between himself and Captain America among other heroes.

“If you are a Captain America fanatic then Winter Soldier is going to be a must-have hero for your playable hero roster,” said Ryan Collins, Creative Designer and Community Manager of Gazillion. “Winter Soldier kicks off 2015 with a bang, both literally and figuratively, as our first playable hero of the year. As an explosives expert, Winter Soldier has many powers related to planting explosives and throwing grenades at his enemies.”

Players can pre-order Winter Soldier at or for more information on Marvel Heroes 2015, visit the official website at

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