This Robotic Lawnmower is Capable of Running Doom 27

This Robotic Lawnmower is Capable of Running Doom

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In an intriguing meld of retro gaming and modern technology, Husqvarna has taken innovation to the next level by making the iconic 1993 first-person shooter, Doom, playable on one of its robot lawnmowers. This cutting-edge collaboration signifies more than just an advancement in robotic lawn care; it represents an inventive fusion of entertainment with mundane household chores.

Doom, developed by id Software, has been a beloved staple in the gaming community for decades, celebrated for its groundbreaking graphics and immersive gameplay during its time. Now, in a surprising twist, players can engage in the demon-slaying action not on a conventional gaming console or PC, but on Husqvarna’s Nera robotic lawnmower. This unique feature offers an amusing diversion for users seeking a break from the monotony of lawn maintenance, inviting them to navigate pixelated corridors and battle foes using the lawnmower’s built-in display and control knob.

Scheduled to become available in April, the Doom game can be accessed on the Nera model by downloading a special software update. Gameplay is ingeniously adapted to the lawnmower’s controls, with movements and actions executed through simple manipulations of the control knob. Players can rotate it left or right to steer Doomguy, press down to move forward, and press the knob to fire at enemies.

However, it appears that this novel feature is marked for a brief lifespan; after introducing the game in April, Husqvarna plans to remove the Doom functionality from the Nera lawnmower with another update in September the same year. Additionally, there’s a catch for Doom enthusiasts in North America – the release will be exclusive to Europe, leaving fans in the U.S. and Canada hoping for a future expansion of this unique offering.


Husqvarna’s decision to embed Doom into its robot lawnmower is not without precedent. It draws inspiration from previous quirky endeavors to run the game on unconventional platforms, ranging from a pregnancy test to the manipulation of gut bacteria. These efforts reflect a broader fascination within the tech community with pushing the boundaries of where and how Doom can be experienced.

This initiative also highlights Husqvarna’s creative approach to marketing its robotic lawnmowers, ensuring the product captures the attention of tech enthusiasts and gamers alike. By intertwining the act of lawn mowing with an interactive gaming experience, Husqvarna not only showcases the capabilities and adaptability of its Nera model but also pays homage to a classic video game that has managed to remain relevant and celebrated over the years.

As Doom finds its way onto yet another unexpected platform, it continues to solidify its legacy within both the gaming and tech communities. Meanwhile, fans in Canada and beyond will eagerly await the possibility of battling digital demons on their turf, a testament to the ever-evolving, playful, and often surprising intersections of technology and entertainment.