Swordsman Beta Key & Open Beta Item Giveaway



GameHaunt and Perfect World Entertainment are excited to welcome you to the world of Swordsman and unlock secret martial arts to become a legendary martial arts hero. As part of redeeming your beta key and getting access to the closed beta, you will also special promo items once Swordsman leaves closed beta and enters open beta.

How to Redeem Your Key
1. Log in to your GameHaunt account to get your key. If you don’t have one, register for free HERE
2. Get your Code (Refresh the page if the code won’t show up)
3. Download and install Arc.
4. Log in with your Perfect World account information.
5. Click on Arc logo in the upper-left corner.
6. Select “Redeem a Code” and enter in your Beta key from above.

That’s it! Swordsman will begin downloading and you’ll be ready to play as soon as closed beta begins. Stay tuned for any upcoming announcements on the Swordsman homepage. We’ll see you in beta!

[giveaway gid=’44’]

[alert type=”red”]NOTE: [REFRESH] THE PAGE IF THE CODE WON’T SHOW UP.[/alert]

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