She-Hulk Now Playable in Marvel Heroes 2015

Another month passes, another great playable character joins the roster for Marvel Heroes 2015! Here to tell us all about the newly added She-Hulk, who went live in the game earlier today, is Ryan Collins, Creative Designer & Community Manager at Gazillion, Inc.

Ryan, what made Gazillion decide to go with She-Hulk as the 46th playable character in Marvel Heroes 2015?

After the popularity of her Team-Up hero, which allows players to have her fight beside their playable heroes, it was about time for Jennifer Walters to join the roster! She’s a premier Marvelcharacter and has been since the ‘80s – she’s kind of one of those “why not sooner?” characters.

More than most Marvel characters, She-Hulk tends to star in comics with a more lighthearted tone (she was breaking the fourth wall before Deadpool even existed!). Did this influence how you treated the character?

Absolutely. We didn’t go full hammy with She-Hulk’s powers, as she has a lot of butt-kicking, but she features some seriously goofy powers such as tying up baddies in actual “red tape” and her Ultimate, in which a giant “Pillar of Justice” falls from the sky and is subsequently used as a weapon to defeat anybody foolish enough to be nearby.

Other than the more lighthearted approach, what else makes She-Hulk’s play style different from everyone else?

She-Hulk uses the latest version of Combo Points, which she builds up and spends to unleash attacks that deal massive damage, creating an ebb and flow to her gameplay. She also has some unique powers such as Lawyer Up, which is a buff that can be kept up permanently as long as you weave in Combo Points effectively. Overall, She-Hulk has a fun and active gameplay style with plenty of ridiculously awesome animations.

How different is She-Hulk as a playable character compared to She-Hulk as a Team-Up character, which she’s been since September 2014?

The playable hero has all of the powers that the Team-Up has, and then a lot more! We’re actually retroactively making the Team-Up’s visuals more impressive, using some of the new animations and visuals from the playable.

How much does Jennifer Walters’ day job as a lawyer play into how she plays in the game? 

There is definitely a LOT of flavor to her skills and such – the lawyer puns are prevalent throughout her entire kit. In addition to just text, though, she has some pretty ridiculous powers based on her time as a lawyer, such as Objection, where she throws a briefcase full of law papers at her enemies, and Cease and Desist, in which she detains her enemies in actual red tape.

What are some of your personal favorite moves for She-Hulk?

I think it’s undeniable that her ultimate, Pillar of Justice, is one of the coolest in the entire game. The way she spins the massive column above her head is so over the top that it is just amazing. People have captured images of the face I made on our livestream when I saw the final version for the first time.

In addition, I love her brawler/wrestling fighting style, with everything from the leg drop to the elbow drop. I’m noncommittal. They’re all cool.

More About She-Hulk

Jennifer Walters, the small and somewhat shy cousin of Bruce Banner (Hulk), was shot and seriously wounded on a day that Bruce happened to be in town for a visit. Since no other donors with her blood type were available, he provided his own blood for a transfusion; as they already shared the same blood type and DNA, his radioactive blood, combined with her anger, transformed Jennifer into the green-skinned She-Hulk!

She-Hulk possesses great strength, durability, endurance and a healing factor. Unlike her cousin, the Hulk, she almost always retains her full intelligence and personality as She-Hulk. She is also able to switch from She-Hulk to Jennifer Walters, but does not always have control of her transformation.

She- Hulk first appeared in THE SAVAGE SHE-HULK #1 (February 1980).

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