Parihug Connected Stuffed Animals Reach Kickstarter Goal

Parihug Connected Stuffed Animals Reach Kickstarter Goal 2

Parihug, the creators of internet-connected stuffed animals that let you hug loved ones from anywhere in the world, has raised more than $30,000 since launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter one week ago.

Parihug was founded in 2015 by now 20-year-old Xyla Foxlin, a female robotics engineer decorated with technical awards and recognition from NASA, Google, NCWIT and more, during a Hackathon with the goal of connecting loved ones separated by distance. When one stuffed animal is hugged, carefully disguised patent-pending sensors detect the hug and transmit a message to the other stuffed animal. The receiving stuffed animal then hugs its owner with a gentle vibration— haptic telepresence.

According to the company, the Kickstarter campaign will close upon reaching 1000 units sold in order to insure holiday delivery, or on May 17.

“Our Kickstarter campaign has proven a strong demand in the mostly untested market of tele-intimacy” said Foxlin, “This will allow us to launch our first product and continue research in the field of emotional technology.”

Due to multiple requests, Parihug has added a pledge level that allows for Pari to be purchased and donated to local Children’s Hospitals or servicemen and women.

Orders placed now are set to ship at the end of the year, just in time for the holidays. To learn more about Parihug, visit

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