MU Legend Starter Pack Giveaway

MU Legend Starter Pack Giveaway 2

WEBZENa global developer and publisher of free-to-play games, has launched a free starter-pack giveaway for the ARPG MMO MU Legend.

MU Legend is the highly anticipated action MMO and follow-up to MU Online. Since the beginning of the open beta a week ago, the game has had hundreds of thousands of downloads so far and the MU Legend team has expressed delight at seeing so many users queuing to play. WEBZEN has opened additional servers dedicated to EU, US and SEA regions in order to provide space for everyone to play the game.

To support MU Legend’s new players, WEBZEN has teamed up with GAMEHAUNT to award free MU Legend Starter Pack to our readers and community. From today until all coupons have run out, players can get a special coupon code, which grants:

Coupon codes are limited to one use per WEBZEN account. Full details on participating media sites will later be shared on the official website and Facebook page.

Dennis Czybulka, COO at Webzen Dublin, commented: “Of all the games we’ve published, MU Legend’s launch is up there with the most satisfying: A smooth release without any technical hiccups, daily server stability and the largest influx of players that we’ve ever seen in the entire history of the company! We had to open new servers to facilitate the continual arrival of newcomers, and the tides show no signs of turning yet! Thanks to our media partners, we’re able to offer a “cherry on top” package to everyone who wants to try MU Legend.”

Additionally, thousands of players are due to receive their first special titles, awarded for participating in the CBTs and the stress test. These marks of recognition will be delivered to those early pioneers today, November 14th.

Interested players can now sign up and download MU Legend at the official website:, and also join the official Facebook community:

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Redemption instructions:

If you are new to WEBZEN, please see the following;

  1. Create a account.
  2. Go to to download your game client and install it.
  3. Choose a server.
  4. Create a new character.

You can now go in-game and enjoy your newly acquired items.
You can find them in the Shop, in the “Storage” section.See you in-game!


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