Marvel Heroes Game Update 2.15 – Nightcrawler Playable!

Marvel Heroes Game Update 2.15 – Nightcrawler Playable! 2

Today Gazillion published Game Update 2.15, which adds famed X-Man Nightcrawler to the massive roster of 29 playable superheroes in Marvel Heroes!Players can now harness the swashbuckling and acrobatic abilities of everybody’s favorite teleporting trickster to defeat the myriad villains of Marvel Heroes.

Unleash Nightcrawler’s Ultimate Power, Brimstone Blitz, to instantaneously teleport and devastate all nearby enemies in a dizzying blur of attacks!

Marvel Heroes is free-to-play and features dozens of Marvel Super Heroes and Super Villains, including Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Hulk, Loki and Captain America. All content and playable heroes can be unlocked by playing the game without cost and each hero can be further customized through unique and extensive leveling systems, power trees, item drops and a robust crafting system. Players can also choose to wear costumes from over 70 years of Marvel history, including costumes from Marvel’s recent theatrical blockbusters. Set across diverse locations from the Marvel Universe, Marvel Heroes offers fast-paced, action-packed gameplay.

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