MapleStory 2 Launching on October 10th

MapleStory 2 Launching on October 10th

Nexon America today announced that MapleStory 2, an all-new MMORPG adventure set within the original MapleStory Universe, will officially launch on October 10, 2018. Ahead of global launch, Mushking Royale Pre-Season will open from August 22, 2018 until October 1, 2018, which will allow players to create characters and reserve names before official launch.

Set in a colorful 3D block universe, MapleStory 2 is one of the most creative and customizable MMORPGs available on the market today. The game implements a robust set of character options, a brand new progression and growth system, and world-building tools, redefining the MMORPG genre by giving players the ability to customize everything. The game has been in closed beta testing for the past three months.

Nexon America held the MapleStory 2 Premiere Event at the NOVO Lounge in Downtown Los Angeles on August 21, 2018 and revealed contents for launch as well as post-launch. Nexon also announced the Head Start period, which will give players who purchased a Founder’s Pack exclusive access to the game starting October 1, 2018 until the launch.

The game will launch with a new class, Runeblade, 12 new dungeons, and more contents. Also, the level cap will be increased from 50 to 60. MapleStory 2 already has planned Halloween and Thanksgiving events and ongoing updates through the rest of the year to keep providing exciting contents to players.

Starting tomorrow, Maplestory 2 is introducing Mushking Royale Pre-Season, a standalone version of the game’s Battle Royale mode where Maplers can play until the official launch. Name reservations will be available to all players for the official launch who come into Mushking Royale Pre-Season and create a character.

There will be a number of changes to Mushking Royale since Closed Beta 2 including:

Squad Mode: This new mode will team up to four players who can battle together
New Items: Sanctuary Flare will let players heal their squad, while barricades will allow Maplers to defend themselves by building brick walls to avoid being hit by enemies
Royale Stats: Will let players enjoy more competition by viewing their stats, leveling up and gaining rewards

The top Mushking Royale players from each region will receive Founder’s Packs, which include a wealth of Merets, exclusive items and access to the game beginning October 1st. To join Mushking Royale, download MapleStory 2 on the Nexon Launcher.

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