Latest UK Charts featuring Horizon Zero Dawn beating Zelda on Launch

Latest UK Charts featuring Horizon Zero Dawn beating Zelda on Launch 3

Horizon Dawn emerged the king after it beat down famous Zelda during its release.  The margin was far too great for the latter to catch up.  At the moment Horizon Zero Dawn is clinging on the first position on the UK charts, becoming the most successful new IP launch.

Zero Dawn had an incredible head start, launching on Wednesday, 1st March, 2017, when compare to the release date of Breath of the Wild, which was released on 3rd march. However, you need to know that Horizon is not only massive launch of this year, but it is also among the top most successful launch by Sony, since the release of Uncharted 4.

When we come to Breath of the Wild, more than 80 percent of the sales went to Switch and about 21 percent were for Wii U. Switch was ranked as the 3rd biggest game ever launched after Twilight Princess and Wind Waker.

Breath of the Wild garnered about 76 percent of the Switch software sales for seven days, with others making it to the top ten- Switch at number 4 and Bomberman R at number 7.

In the review of the biggest games in the world today, a statement from Sony’s PSA representative said that this is one of the best game ever made in this error. They also added that the game is the most impressive ever designed.

Lastly, you can check out the top best games as follow. You should also know that the list doesn’t not take into account digital sales data, and therefore, it should not be noted as a reflection of all the UK game sales.

The list is from the top best game to the 10th best game:

  1. Horizon Zero Dawn
  2. The Legend of Zelda
  3. Grand Theft Auto V
  4. Switch
  5. For Honor
  6. FIFA 2017
  7. Bomberman R
  8. The Rocket League
  9. Sniper Elite 4
  10. The Battlefield 1

SOURCE: Chart Track, (C)2017 UKIE Ltd

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