Horizon Zero Dawn Review 27

Horizon Zero Dawn Review

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Horizon Zero Dawn is a new video game achievement for Guerrilla Games. The game is played as the main character – Aloy as she sets to explore the mysterious lush world inhabited by creatures made from machines. It is an exhilarating experience and this amazing adventure, exploration, action, RPG game is available to play exclusively on on PS4.

The game introduces the main character “Aloy” who is raised in Nora Tribe. The game begins by a masterful storytelling initially for 5 minutes. Aloy is young, compassionate, strong willed and fierce lady who gross up combating difficult creatures that live in the world alongside. Aloy is an adopted child who ventures into the world to find answers of her questions that why she was labeled as outcast and who are her real parents. The game eventually becomes interesting when her adopted father Rost trains her to contest the Proving and allows the victor to boon. If she wins then she is allowed to ask questions she needs answers for.

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Horizon Zero dawn is a refreshing new game. It is not like a short game but more like storytelling and exploration. You will really get the feeling of playing an intriguing game with new concepts and story. The combat is a good option which will make you get more involved in this. Along with it, you also have an option of getting into stealth mode and fight people. You will have nice array of weapons at your disposal. You can use modernized warfare along with simple weapons that will give you the required edge. There are various number of ways you can explore to take down enemies. Main character of this story is Aloy and you can upgrade her abilities by levelling up, earning a skill point and spending them to unlock the new abilities. The game offers a lot of new things for players including stealth, defense and attack. In order to complete this game, it will take around 50 hours continuous play.

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Visuals of Horizon Zero Dawn are worth admiring. It can safely be called as a modern best looking game. You will get a change to traverse forest of Nora tribe, grit your teeth in the desert of Carja, shiver in the Pitch Cliff, or venture into the swampland, you will be able to explore different environment. Horizon Zero Dawn game can leave your wordless as you enter into a beautiful world of fantasy. One of the most fascinating stuff about the game is that fast travel option available to take a route of lush scenic beauty. Also the game maintains the high framerate which makes the graphics even more intriguing. Also the game includes crafting option to carry different modified weapons and outfits along with it. it is having a robust system so you can switch outfits and weapons without any game freeze.

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Horizon is a well-balanced game which will not be too difficult for avid gamers. The most satisfying weapon for Aloy is a bow. There are different skill levels available which will unlock more weapons as you gradually move up the level. The structure of Horizon Zero dawn is quite similar to that of Far Cry games. You gain abilities by levelling up. It is an exploration game in which you need to hunt for crafting materials and hold it in your inventory. There is a specific map which you can explore and reveal objectives on the map. One of the most interesting things about this game is that you can get into open combat in this game. You will always have a light and heavy attack spear. After upgrades, you can get even get more fancier weapons such as rope caster that can help you knock down the enemies.

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Soundtrack of Horizon Zero Dawn is quite amazing. The voice over acting is quite impressive and game holds up its end of things with a great music and cohesive design which really fits into the game well. One can say that this game is Guerrilla’s strongest release till date. Audio of this game is also masterful. You will be able to explore background score constantly running. As you explore around the forest, you will be able to hear birds chirping, rabbits rustling in leaves and even able to hear sound of resources and metal. You will be able to hear environment ambient noise of robots. Even the interaction the player does in this game with other people is completely voiced and makes you believe of real world. There is also a soundtrack to top things off. It plays a critical role in the background and adds more emotions to the world.

Horizon Zero Dawn Review 40One of the interesting facts about this game is interaction with certain NPC. Choices that you make in the game can be a life or death decision. Horizon Zero Dawn is a unique game that gives you a linear experience. The game has some additional unique features compared to other games in the league. If you are looking for a different experience, the game is suited for you. Using fast travel ability lets you move from one place to another. The gameplay is simple, you need to stay on the path of your next target or aim, kill enemies, collect different materials and resources and level up in the game. Horizon Zero Dawn serves to be a challenging game which continues to be in the tradition. You can encounter tough enemies such as a Robot and put up a good fight. In the start of the game, you will be presented a tutorial which will guide you through the controls and figure out the best way to take down enemies. This can be done easily by going into either a full attack mode or stealth mode.

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Guerilla games “Horizon Zero Dawn” is a massive hype which is living up to its expectations. The game delivers what is expected out of this game. You will get a good combination of amazing graphics, innovate gaming, fresh story and unique gameplay which most games cease to offer. It is undoubtedly one of the most engrossing and involving game ever designed by Guerilla. The game delivers to its hype and expectations.

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