Welcome to our guide to help you get all of the endings and branches in Fantastic Voyage – a new character story in Genshin Impact 1.4, this one featuring Bennett, the most unfortunate adventurer in the world. To get these achievements, you’ll need to follow a certain set of steps — but don’t worry, we’ve laid them out for you here.
The event that you’re trying to unlock is a Hangout Event. This means that you’ll need to collect two Story Keys from the daily commission completion in order to unlock them. The keys will only be used for the initial unlock — after that, you won’t need them again.
Adventurous Acquaintance
This selection will give you:
- “We could just do something else instead.”
- With Wind Comes Glory Order for Fruitless Anticipation ending
- The Adventurer in the Dandelion Sea for Hasty Farewell ending
- “Sure! Let’s go on an adventure!”
- Can’t Make an Omelette without Eggs for Taste Tester Royce and Ready to Make Sacrifices endings
- Expansive Eya for No Wonder It’s a Top-Class Commission and Fortunate Outcome endings
Selecting “We could just do something else instead.” will result to:
- “How about we hang around town?”
- With Wind Comes Glory Order for Fruitless Anticipation ending
- “How about a walk in the wild?”
- The Adventurer in the Dandelion Sea for Hasty Farewell ending
Picking “Sure! Let’s go on an adventure!” will give you:
- “I do.”
- Can’t Make an Omelette without Eggs for Taste Tester Royce and Ready to Make Sacrifices endings
- “No, I usually leave straight away.”
- Expansive Eya for No Wonder It’s a Top-Class Commission and Fortunate Outcome endings
With Wind Comes Glory Order
General Good’s Special Offer
To get the Fruitless Anticipation ending, you must first complete the step “The Old Hunter’s Opening Hours”. Then, proceed to dialogue choice General Goods’ Special Offer. Finish through the dialogues to receive the reward.
The Adventurer In The Dandelion Sea
Ad Astra
Just like how you got the Fruitless Anticipation ending, just follow through with the dialogue choices for the Hasty Farewell ending. You’ll also earn the Archaic Lord of Lightning and Blitz achievement for your efforts.
Can’t Make An Omelette Without Eggs
Treacherous Thermadon
You’ll need the following ingredients to cook a special dish: Slime Condensate, Radish, and Mint. For this part of the event, you’ll go to the Treacherous Thermadon branch.
These options will lead to:
- “You cooked it, you can do whatever you want with it.”
- Taste Tester Royce ending
- “No way, you don’t owe him anything.”
- Lecture Bennett for a bit but you won’t be able to prevent the end result.
- Ready to Make Sacrifices ending
Expansive Eya
These selectionss will lead to:
- “Go ahead! We won’t get anywhere just staring at them.”
- For the subsequent choice, it doesn’t matter which one you pick.
- No Wonder It’s a Top-Class Commission ending
- “Hmm, how can I let you face the danger alone?”
- Follow through with the dialogue choices
When you get to the torch room, follow the order given below when the mechanisms unlock:
Once you earn the Achievement “The Power of Luck”, you’ll also see the Fortunate Outcome Ending.
With all the endings collected, you’ll receive “Fantastic Voyage: Prologue” achievement. Bennett can be a little touchy at times, so make sure to tread lightly when interacting with him—for example, the two wrong answers that decrease his heart meter have you being purposely mean to him. That’s all for this Hangout with Bennett guide!
So far, you can hang out with Chongyun, Barbara, Bennett, and Noelle. Make sure to check our guides for each of them to learn more about them and the game. Lastly, make sure to check out our updated list of Genshin Impact codes, and don’t miss out on any free primogems!