Firefall Public Beta Weekend Begins

Firefall Public Beta Weekend

Red 5 Studios™ announced today that Firefall will begin its first public beta test this Friday during an unlocked 48-hour “Beta Weekend”. To kick off the news it has released a new action-packed trailer featuring Firefall’s latest content: http://youtube/cStkVg5CLQw

The Jan 25 test is one of three unlocked Beta Weekends scheduled for early this year. Two additional public stress-tests are planned for February and March as part of Red 5’s strategy to gradually roll out Firefall’s beta. Players can find more information on the upcoming Beta Weekends and help stress-test the servers at:

“After successfully completing a few controlled stress-tests late last year, we’re excited to move into the next phase,” said James Macauley, Vice President of Development, Red 5 Studios. “This will be the first time that we’ve opened up Firefall’s servers to everyone. We’re really looking forward to gathering a bunch of new feedback and data that will help us build up to launch this year.”

These Beta Weekend stress-tests will be completely unlocked with no keys required – allowing everyone to participate in the Tribe’s Closed Beta push. Additionally, each 48-hour weekend will incorporate a community unlock, exclusive contest and unique theme to teach new players what Firefall is all about. This weekend features:
· Skillshot Contest (Video) – Record and submit an epic skillshot video for a chance to win a prize pack filled with Firefall SWAG and Razer™ gear
· Skillshot Contest (Screen) – Screencap a stylish skillshot for a chance at being featured on the official Firefall Facebook page
· Community Unlock – Play during the weekend to unlock an exclusive, customized Battleframe decal
· Livestream – Join a special episode of Firefall Live on TwitchTV to see Athene and Reese owning the competition with their own skillshots

Visit for more information on the Beta Weekend activities, learn more about Firefall at, or play immediately by purchasing a Founders Pack at

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