Elulands LAND sale will go live on Nov 25, 2022, offering you a limited opportunity to purchase LANDS at significant discounts.
How It Works
Four categories of land will be available for gamers: Standard, Outpost, Urban, and Metro. You may build your character, pick a land, or take on the dangers of the lands to demonstrate your prowess.
The Standard Plot will be sold for 40 BUSD. The plot will be comprised of 1 by 1 plot. As standard plot owner, you will be awarded the title of Esquire. This will grant you access to Monster Spawning, the entrance to a dungeon, a small house, and other niceties. With a standard plot in Elulands, you will have access to a random deposit of trees, rocks, gems, and crystals. The owner can upgrade the deposits in terms of their limit or resource capacity.
The Outpost Plot will be selling at 200 BUSD. If you own an Outpost Plot, you will earn the title of Dame, which will grant you access to resources, monster spawn locations, and many others. If you own an Outpost Plot, you also get all of the features of a Standard Plot, but with higher limits on its resources and the number of monsters that can spawn there.
The Urban Plot will be sold at 2000 BUSD. This plot is significantly larger than the Outpost Plot, which means it will confer more significant advantages to you as its owner. The plot will include everything from the Standard Plot to the Outpost Plot, despite its higher limits on its resources and the number of monsters that can spawn on it. If you own an Urban plot, you will have the title of Viscount.
A Metro Plot will sell at 10000 BUSD. The plot will include everything from the Standard Plot to the Urban Plot, but with more limits, resources, and monster spawning. This plot of land is big and measures square feet per square foot. As a Metro plot owner, you will be given the title of Marquees, which will grant you access to a large house, resources, additional NPCs, admission to dungeons, and many other benefits.

What Happens to Elulands Land Investors?
If you invest in land, you can transform the world by placing NPCs and available buildings. This will help you make a profit when you design and distribute in-game stuff like vendor marketplaces where all the other gamers can buy in-game purchases, including goods, services, and more. Gamers can trade, sell, or purchase resources in Elulands for Elune Tokens. You can get Elune Tokens when you trade, sell, or purchase resources in Elulands.
Don’t miss the opportunity to buy a plot of land on this fantastic game. You will have so much to do with your plot of land, no matter the size. Remember whitelisting will end on Nov 22, 2022, and the land sale will start on Nov 25, 2022. Mark your calendar.
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