Elder Scrolls Online – Beta Key Giveaway (March 14)

Elder Scrolls Online - Beta Key Giveaway (March 14) 2

In cooperation with Bethesda & Zenimax Online, we are happy to announce that we are giving you a chance to explore Tamriel with millions of players this coming weekend as we are giving away closed beta keys for The Elder Scrolls Online!

The beta event will run from Friday, March 14, 12:00pm ET – Sunday, Mar 16, 11:59pm ET

[button size=large style=less_round color=blue align=left url=http://shop.gamehaunt.com/browse/gg20274-The-Elder-Scrolls-Online/#.Uw7H9vmSyTw]Pre-Order Elder Scrolls Online[/button]
Follow these steps to redeem your key:

1. Log in to your GameHaunt account to get your key. If you don’t have one, register for free HERE
2. Get your Code (Refresh the page if the key won’t show up)
*You’ll use this unique key to register your beta account. Please make sure you don’t leave extra spaces in front of the code if copying/pasting.
3. Create your account by visiting https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/register/account-information
4. Once you’ve finished creating and verifying your account, click “Redeem Key” button on the main My Account Page to register your beta key.
5. When the process is complete, you¹ll be able to download the game client from your Account Page.
6. Use the username and password you registered to login and play the game.

*If you’ve participated in a previous beta event, you will automatically have access to this weekend’s event and do not need to use a new key.

[giveaway gid=’34’]

*Refresh the page if the key won’t show up

[button size=large style=less_round color=red align=left url=http://shop.gamehaunt.com/browse/gg20274-The-Elder-Scrolls-Online/#.Uw7H9vmSyTw]Pre-Order Elder Scrolls Online[/button]
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