DREVO BladeMaster is the Best Mechanical Gaming Keyboard in 2018?

DREVO BladeMaster is the Best Mechanical Gaming Keyboard in 2018?

Honestly speaking, DREVO keyboard team is deeply focused on product development but weakened in product promotion. We may not have made a very stunning Kickstarter page and enough promotion for it. But BladeMaster really has spoken loudly for itself with its various unparalleled features, which can be indicated apparently by some numbers and facts in the past 50 days.

$350,024 pledged of $20,000 goal, 2834 backers, 1750% funded, awarded by IDEA Design 2018, Also, it has been wanted by over 10k community members on Reddit. These numbers have proved DREVO BladeMaster as one of the most wanted keyboards on both Kickstarter and Reddit. In the meantime, hundreds of reviewers from around the world have actively contacted us for review samples. DREVO feels greatly honored and grateful for such great support.

Based on the stretch goals DREVO has successfully made, as an extra reward, now every backer will be able to get 9 PBT double-shot keycaps and 26 PBT blank keycaps totally for free!

Kickstarter link: https://kck.st/2qZ0eM1

Find some more real shots: https://imgur.com/a/14zyxzP

What’s more, Cherry MX RGB Blue & Silent Red, as well as Nordic keyboard layout have been added as options for the backers.

For the rest part, we still wish the community members who first time hear about BladeMaster can get to know the below main features of it. Wish these features can turn into the joyful using experience soon for everyone who wants an upgrade with a real innovative gaming keyboard!

Programmable Genius-Knob

DREVO BladeMaster has two versions (PRO and TE) and they are both equipped with a Genius-Knob. It is a great progress in the keyboard field made by DREVO for overcoming many structure designing challenges as we have to consider the full compatibility with many other inside components when locating a knob vertically at a keyboard’s left edge. This kind of locating differentiates BladeMaster from most others on the market not just for a unique looking, but more for solving a real problem as we see it brings a lot of convenience to the group of users who want to realize more possibilities by using their left hands only.

Besides common functions including backlight and multimedia controlling, this genius-knob can be programmed for four additional actions based on its system of click, double click, and to be able to slide it up and down. Each action can be remapped as any key, combo and even a macro functionality.

The 4 default commands of the Genius-knob are PageUp, PageDown, Home, and End. By entering “Key Settings”, you can assign any operation to the knob. Taking the example of PUBG, you can get superior functions by assigning this way: Energy Drink – PageUp, Bandage – PageDown, First Aid Kit – Home, and Painkiller – End.

Best Option as Real Top-end Versatile Mechanical Keyboard

DREVO BladeMaster PRO has three ways to be connected, which means in addition to USB type-C, when it comes to the wireless connectivity, it still has two options – Bluetooth 4.0 and 2.4GHz Wireless connection. In comparison with similar professional wireless keyboards on the market like Logitech G613 and Corsair K63, what takes DREVO BladeMaster to the next level is that it’s the special one that supports RGB backlight and USB wired connection at the time. These features do make BladeMaster a real top-end mechanical gaming keyboard.

Mainly positioned as an ultimate gaming keyboard, BladeMaster PRO features a self-developed connecting tech called FlashLink. By adopting frequency-hopping tech and achieving a report rate of 1000Hz, FlashLink allows gamers to game in 2.4GHz wireless mode just as same as via USB wired connection with equivalent report rate and stability.

To enjoy the FlashLink tech in wireless mode, we need to use the USB receiver that is included in BladeMaster PRO’s package. You can simply access the fast wireless connection instantly after getting the receiver inserted into your computer and you have no need for any other operation.

In addition, users can use 2.4GHz wireless, Bluetooth 4.0 and USB wired connection to connect three different devices, let’s say, USB to the desktop, 2.4GHz wireless to the notebook, Bluetooth to the mobile phone. Also, hot-swapping can be performed between these three devices with the combination of FN + PRTSC/SCRLK/PAUSE. Particularly suitable for the office scenario: 2 computers and 1 mobile phone.

Cloud & On-Board Storage to Keep Everything with you Anytime and Anywhere

Besides the cloud software that can help you save your settings, BladeMaster PRO & TE both have a 16MB on-board storage which can store three of your custom configurations including lighting effect, key customization, and macro. With it, you will be able to freely to attend any offline activities and enjoy your personal settings at once even with no need to download the DPC software.

Also, 9 keyboard layouts are available for a wide range of gamers globally: US/UK/IT/DE/FR/ES/JP/KR/Nordic

Kickstarter link: https://kck.st/2qZ0eM1

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