Dragon’s Prophet NA Beta Keys Giveaway

Dragon's Prophet NA Beta Key

Dragon's Prophet NA Beta Key

GameHaunt and Sony Online Entertainment have teamed up to give our readers 100 Keys for the Dragon’s Prophet Closed Beta (NA). To get your code key you just need to click on the button below.

Follow these steps to redeem your code:

1. Log in to your GameHaunt account to get your key. If you don’t have one, register for free HERE.
2. Visit https://www.dragonsprophetthegame.com/
3. Go to ‘Apply for Beta’ section (Middle, Right side of page)
4. Click the link labeled “Already have a BETA CODE? ENTER IT HERE”
5. Follow instructions:

1. Login or create a new Station Account
2. Confirm key code
3. Download game via the following links: US or EU

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