Dragon Nest 2.0 bits and Mastery skills and more!

Dragon Nest 2.0 New Saint Haven

Dragon Nest 2.0 New Saint Haven

Devs are getting pumped lately, do they?

Images and information below are shared in Duowan forum by someone, anonymous.

  1. New loading screens and Saint Haven



  1. Flying Mount: Dragon

• Description: the court sorceress Kara Ann made the dragon by refering to the research data by Prof K. After being tamed by the trainer Selene, it can be used as mount.

–  Left click to use breath.

–  Glide in the air by holding space bar while jumping.

–  Accessory: Tofaz Gale Boots.


  1. New Item: Noble Zakad Soul

Several types of dragon soul are found in the client, example:

• Dragon soul protect the user; when attacked, HP will not be lowered below 1. (highland effect).

• Increase stats for 1 hour. +7% phy &mag attack, +70 str, agi, int & vit. When attacked, there is a chance that the damage is negated and trigger HP recovery over time.

It is still unsure how these dragon souls are obtained and whether they are consumable or time-limited equipment. One of the most likely place to drop them is the Desert Dragon Memorial Dungeon (see below)


  1. Desert Dragon Memorial Dungeon

• Entry key: Zakad Memory Shard

• Reward: Memorial Bags (has a chance to give 60S gear!)

• From the name of the dungeon, it is strongly suspected that these dungeons are cash dungeons, similar to the 3 memory dungeons where players farm ancestor stones now.


  1. Assassin Class Newbie Equipment

Previously there were still some doubts whether assassin is the new class since the info found in the client seems to suggest that it might just be a hairstyle.

This is the confirmation that assassin will indeed be the next new class since his newbie equipment names are found in the client already.


  1. Ancestor Dragon Wing

There are several versions, among them:

• Dark Ancestor Dragon Wing

• Pure Ancestor Dragon Wing

• Evil Dark Ancestor Dragon Wing

• Noble Pure Ancestor Dragon Wing

• Sunny Ancestor Dragon Wing

• Strong Ancestor Dragon Wing

• Exquisite Ancestor Dragon Wing

• Gorgeous Ancestor Dragon Wing


  1. Level 65 Mastery Skills

The skill description and data will likely be different from the official release in the future.

Smasher: Time Controller

• All CD of active skills under smasher skill tree are reduced by x%.

Comment: CD reduction is cool since smasher might not rely so much on dark skills as filler anymore.

Majesty: Gravity Controller

• Strengthen Summon Blackhole, Gravity Ascension and Gravity Switch. Deal additional damage to targets which are immune to the disabling effect of gravity skills. Each hit deal additional x % of damage.

Comment: Majesty receives more boost! Hope gravity ascension ex will not let us down.

Elestra: Chilling Master

• When attacking targets with ice elemental skill, there is a chance to trigger a buff which increases ice attack % and reduces fire attack %.

Note: The latest kDN client seems to show that the % value are +50% and -50% for elemental lords.

Saleana: Flame Master

• When attacking targets with fire elemental skill, there is a chance to trigger a buff which increases fire attack % and reduces ice attack %.

Note: The latest kDN client seems to show that the % value are +50% and -50% for elemental lords.


Sniper: Physical Attack Mastery


• Physical attack +10%


• When attacking targets with physical skills, there is a certain chance to trigger a buff which increases phy attack and reduces magical attack.

Lv1 (Lv65):  Trigger chance 30%, Phy attack increase 10%, Mag attack reduce 10%, Duration 6sec, CD 8sec.

Lv2 (Lv75):  Trigger chance 30%, Phy attack increase 13%, Mag attack reduce 13%, Duration 7sec, CD 7sec.

Comment: This type of passive basically forces you to focus on either physical attack or magical attack only, for sniper and artillery respectively. For example, as a sniper, if you use a physical skill first, and this buff triggers, then you use a magical skill while the buff is still on, your magical skill will deal lower damage.


Artillery: Magical Attack Mastery


• Magical attack + 10%


• When attacking targets with magical skills, there is a certain chance to trigger a buff which increases mag attack and reduces phy attack.

Lv1 (Lv65):  Trigger chance 30%, Mag attack increase 10%, Phy attack reduce 10%, Duration 6sec, CD 8sec.

Lv2 (Lv75):  Trigger chance 30%, Mag atack increase 13%, Phy attack reduce 13%, Duration 7sec, CD 7sec.

Comment: at first glance, it seems that artillery is getting an equal but opposite effect as compared to sniper. The fact is, if you are familiar with the dmg calculation of magical breeze, you will know that the dmg increase from magical breeze increases with lower physical attack and higher magical attack. This passive actually benefits artillery much more than sniper in this sense, if you do the math.



Tempest: Physical Sense


• After using kick shot or double somersault kick, gain a buff which increase physical attack by 10% for 10sec.


• Reduce damage received. However, when your superarmor is broken, you will not receive the damage reduction effect for a certain duration.

Lv1: Damage reduction 30%. When superarmor is broken, the dmg reduction effect is negated for 5sec.

Lv2: Damage reduction 33%. When superarmor is broken, the dmg reduction effect is negated for 4sec

Comment: This effect seems to be permanent since there is no trigger chance described. The effect is only negated temporarily when the superarmor is broken.

Wind Walker: Air Sense


• After using air walk or eagle dive, gain a buff which increase physical attack by 10% for 10sec.


• When the caster uses Aerial Evasion or cast skills in air, gain a buff which increases superarmor.

Lv1: Buff duration 4sec, CD 10sec

Lv2: Buff duration 5sec, CD 9sec.


Guardian : Survival Bless

• KR : When your Hp becomes less than w%, a shield to absorb damage is automatically generated. Shield durability = x, Shield lasts for y seconds,  CD z seconds

• CN : When enemies’ attack is guarded succesfully by any block skills, gain physical attack buff for 10sec.

Lv1: 10% physical attack increase, CD 20sec.

Lv2: 15% physical attack increase, CD 18sec.

Crusader : Magical Bless

• KR: When under attack, receive a buff to increase your magic damage by x% for y seconds.

• CN : When you successfully hit enemies with any magical skills, gain magical attack buff for 10sec

Lv1: 10% magical attack increase, CD 20sec.

Lv2: 15% magical attack increase, CD 18sec

Saint : Rebirth Bless

• When using recovery skills: Heal, Heal Relic and Holy Shield, receive a buff to increase your Magic Attack by 20% for 20 seconds.

Lv1: 20% Magic Attack increase

Lv2: 23% Magic Attack increase

Inquisitor: Electric Bless

• Deal additional light elemental damage when attacking shocked targets

Lv1: 10% additional light dmg

Lv2: 20% additional light dmg


Dark Summoner : Revenge Ability

• When skill successfully hits targets, enemies within x m receive y% additional damage

Soul Eater : Pain Ability

• When under attack, apply “curse” status on enemies within v m range of the caster. Deal magic w% damage every x seconds.  Curse duration y sec, CD z sec.

Blade Dancer: Blade Ability

• Reduce cooldown of Breeze Call Dance by x% and increase physical damage by y%

Spirit Dancer: Spirit Ability

• Reduce cooldown of Illusion dance by x% and reduce physical damage received by y%.


Shooting Star: Alfredo Exchange

•  When the caster takes damage from enemies, Alfredo will receive x% of it instead of her.

Gear Master: Gear Second

• Every time a Mechaduck or Tower is summoned, receive a buff that increases Magic Attack for x seconds, However the buff disappears when Alfredo is summoned and can’t be received until Alfredo is destroyed. Magic Attack increase y%

* As noted by insidedn, description says Magic Attack, probably an error in description



Adept: Elemental Harmony

• When a bubble counter is added by using a fire or ice Skill,  receive a buff to increase magic attack for x seconds. Magic Attack increase y %


Physician: Chemical Harmony

•  When a bubble counter is added by using a dark or recovery Skill,  receive a buff to Increase Magic Attack for x seconds. Magic Attack increase y %


Gladiator: Physical Attack Mastery


• Physical attack +10%


• Upon successfully guarding against enemies’s attack, gain a physical damage increase buff, duration x sec. Physical damage increase y%.

Note: As pointed out by half-sugar, this skill would be useful if evasion slash is counted as “guarding” against enemies’ attack, aside from parry stance (but we wouldn’t know that yet). Also, take note that, despite the similarity of skill name, the effects for gladiator-moonlord are different for sniper-artillery.

Moonlord: Magical Attack Mastery


• Magical attack  + 14%


• Upon successfully hitting enemies with magical skills, gain a magical attack increase buff, duration x sec. Magical attack increase y%.

Barbarian: Critical Mastery


• After using battle howl, taunting howl or devastating howl, gain a buff which increase 20% crit rate for 10sec.


• When attacking enemies with physical skills, there is a w% chance to trigger a buff which increase crit rate by x%. Duration y sec, CD z sec.



Destroyer: Armor Mastery


• After using battle howl, taunting howl or devastating howl, deal 10% additional dmg each hit for 10sec.


• When being attacked, there is a w% chance to trigger a buff which reduces damage received by x%. Duration y sec, CD z sec.


Incomplete skill info?  These might or might not be skill description…

In a nutshell…

Gladiator: Physical Attack Mastery

Moon Lord: Magical Attack Mastery


Barbarian: Critical Mastery

Destroyer: Armor Mastery


Sniper:Physical Attack Mastery

Artillery: Magical Attack Mastery


Tempest: Physical Sense

Airwalker: Air Sense


Seleana: Flame Master

Elestra : Chilling Master


Smasher: Time Controller

Majesty: Gravity Controller


Guardian: Electric Bless

Crusader:Magical Bless


Saint: Survival Bless

Inquisitor: Rebirth Bless


Shooting Star: Alfredo Exchange

Gear Master: Gear Second


Adept: Elemental Harmony

Physician: Chemical Harmony


Soul Eater: Pain Ability

Dark Summoner: Revenge Ability


Blade Dancer: Blade Ability

Spirit Dancer: Spirit Ability


  1. Dismantling & Crafting of Talisman & Dragon Jade

• Talisman can be dismantled into Pentagonal Rock, which can be used to craft new talisman.

– Hexagonal Rock can be used to craft even more powerful talisman.


• Dragon Jade can be dismantled into Dragon Memory Fragment.

– Sea Dragon Glass can be used to craft even more powerful dragon jade.


  1. New Talisman (updated in KDN)

• Wealth Talisman: Increase gold amount gained. The effect differs depending on the slot it is equipped to.


• Bless Talisman: Increase the amount of loot. The effect differs depending on the slot it is equipped to.


  1. New Pet: Black Hound

• It has an additional ability: increase the drop rate of 70S gear.

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