Brave Frontier’s New Raid Battle Mode Out Now

Brave Frontier's New Raid Battle Mode Out Now 3

gumi Inc. is pleased to announce the highly-anticipated update to Brave Frontier is now available, bringing the dynamic new Raid Battle feature to international players.

Raid Battle allows high-level players to team up with other players to complete endgame quests to take down brutal boss monsters, where players have 30 minutes and three attempts to hunt down their target. Because of the challenging difficulty, players are advised to complete the raids with up to three of their friends online.

The rewards for completing Raid Battle missions include rare crafting materials to create exotic weaponry and items. Additionally, they can also earn Raid Medals, used in the Slot Machine found at Imperial Randall Capital, to win random high-level items such as stat boosts, experience gains, and more.

Focused on end game content, Raid Battle requires players to be at least level 100 if they wish to participate.

gumi Inc. has also released new 7-Star forms of Brave Frontier’s original six heroes – Vargas, Selena, Lance, Eze, Atro, and Magress. New 7-Star forms of the game’s Six Disciples of the Gods – Alpha, Tazer, Tora, Kanon, Kira, and Feeva – are also included.

These new version of Brave Frontier’s iconic characters have new Ultimate Brave Burst and Extra Skill attacks, and can be evolved from their previous forms for players with the correct evolution materials. Players can acquire these special items through special in-game events announced on Facebook and Twitter.

This update is now available on iOS and Android devices.

Conquer the Raid Battle and the Summon Gate by loading up Gems through Smart GameX via MOLPoints! MOLPoints can be used to top-up for BRAVE FRONTIER. When you have received the SMS containing the MOLPoints PIN details, “Card No.” is the MOLPoints SERIAL No. and Pin Code is the MOLPoints PIN.

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