Ashes of Creation Highlights Stealth and Treachery in New Video

Ashes of Creation Highlights Stealth and Treachery in New Video 3

Intrepid Studios is excited to share this new video with backers and fans. With all the support on Kickstarter the team wants to share something fun with their community, so they are releasing this pre-alpha footage video called “The Art of War.”

The video showcases the Ranger/Rogue hybrid class – The Predator. A stealth driven hero is infiltrating a fully-grown metropolis to try and steal a relic. As he gets into the city and gets his hands on the prize he is then able to signal the impending invasion and the trebuchets’ begin their work. This is but a hint of what the beginning stages of a siege and warfare in Ashes of Creation will be like.

Register NOW for a chance to win in the weekly alpha/beta key drawing.

You can find the Kickstarter campaign HERE.

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