Ashes of Creation Fully Funded in Under 12 Hours

Ashes of Creation Fully Funded in Under 12 Hours 3

Ashes of Creation and the team at Intrepid Studios have reached their Kickstarter goal! As of this writing, over $800,000 has been raised by the thriving MMORPG community. And while the Kickstarter Campaign has fully funded its goal of $750,000, the game is still afoot with more goals to hit.

Intrepid Studios today revealed the Stretch Goals for the remaining weeks of the campaign, including Games of Chance, Group Mounts, Naval content, and more!

Just because the project is funded, does not mean Intrepid are done. There’s a long road to release, and during the campaign the studio will be hosting events, doing live broadcasts and talking with fans about the upcoming MMORPG revival. The Alpha and Beta stages are just months away, and pledging can claim guaranteed access to both.

You can find the Kickstarter campaign HERE.

Ashes of Creation - Kickstarter Video

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